Finding Your Inner Peace
Hyrum W. Smith didn’t just create the Franklin Planner so people could plan their day. He created it to help people find inner-peace. Watch and listen to his online conversation with Sandra Yancey, the Founder and CEO of eWomenNetwork, on Sandra’s Million-Dollar Success Series: Finding Inner-Peace featuring Sandra’s conversation with Hyrum Smith.
Closing the Gap to Inner Peace
Hyrum will speak about The 3 Gaps, his latest book that invites you to explore yourself on a deeper level by looking at the gaps in your life around your beliefs, time and values. These gaps could hold the key to unlocking what is holding you back from reaching your full potential.
You will also learn about Sandra’s personal constitution and how that helps her run and sustain a multi-million-dollar business while balancing her personal life as a wife and mother.
Forget Plan B
In her interview with Hyrum, Sandra will also give you some inspirational actions, including why we need to forget Plan B if Plan A doesn’t work out. You’ll also learn what the real definition of FEAR is and the truth of what lies between birth and death (B and D).
More on The 3 Gaps
When you’re through listening to Sandra’s conversation with Hyrum, get more of him and The 3 Gaps in his interview with me on my eWN Radio Network show, “Spotlight on eWomenNetwork.”
So here you have it.. on a silver platter. Free advice that could change your life today! Enjoy!
Curator of Game-Changing Content, Phyllis SmithContent Manager, eWomenNetwork

A FLY ON THE WALL Would you like to be a fly on the wall at our annual conference? You can! LIVE STREAM 3 days of all the fabulous speakers as well as laser coaching to live streamers by Sandra Yancey herself! As you will see on the LIVE STREAM page, you also receive FANTASTIC BONUSES when you register. GO REGISTER NOW! AUGUST 5-7TH. CLICK NOW ON THE IMAGE ABOVE!